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Forbidden Storm 
Book 2

A paranormal romance about forbidden love and the lengths one vampire takes to protect her secrets.

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Lucretia Bramen overcame a sordid and violent history to become the first female Guardian, but when old enemies threaten to expose her most intimate secrets, Lu faces the biggest choice of her life: reveal her past betrayal and risk execution or turn her back on a forbidden love offering everything she desires.


Kurtis Ruse's burdens weigh heavy on his immense shoulders; deliver peace to his people, manage his dojo among the humans, control his inner beast in order to uncover his mate’s treacherous mysteries. Kurtis fears circumstances will force him to choose between the enigmatic vampire who captured his heart and the only woman he trusts above all others. 



An intriguing story of love & betrayal, it comes with plenty of sexual tension, loads of action, and a great well-flowing story-line! I look forward to seeing more from this author!


Next in the Storm series

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