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Forbidden Storm Update!

Writer: A.R. VagnettiA.R. Vagnetti

Many aspects of our lives have shifted, altered, or crashed during this #Quarantinelife. Businesses closed their doors. The streets seem desolate. This social distancing is messing with our innate instinct to gather with friends and family, and millions of Americans are on unemployment and bored out of their minds.

The publishing industry is also affected. With delays or cancellations in shipping books as more essential items take priority, formating, and publication of paper books is slow or scarce. Indie, small presses, and even the larger publishing houses have postponed most of their upcoming launches, or are launching eBooks only.

Now more than ever, I believe, as does Kyanite Publishing, that readers need books to help occupy their time, get away from the negativity in the news, and escape into a world of fiction during this forced reclusiveness. So, I sat down with my publisher, Kyanite Publishing, and we hashed out a strategy for the release of my upcoming book in the Storm Series, FORBIDDEN STORM.

Well, I am thrilled to announce, drum roll please, FORBIDDEN STORM will officially launch on August 17th, 2020! Hardcover, paperback, and ebook.

But why wait? Starting May 14th Kyanite is offering special Pre-Order Packages that feature signed copies, bookmarks and mugs, and other exclusive gifts from me!

They'll be available at www.kyanitepublishing.com for a limited time before pre-orders open with other retailers. We are excited to offer these packages as a way to further extend the reading experience and connect authors with our fans.

Included in some of the pre-order packages is the new Content Hub, which houses short stories and even full-length books, articles and essays, and other offerings from Kyanite authors. It is now available on a subscription basis as well.

Storm Series Book 1
Forgotten Storm

If you missed out on book 1, FORGOTTEN STORM, fear not. As of right now, eBooks for Forgotten Storm are on sale on Amazon! (Click the book or blue title above)

**There are a few hardbacks and 1 paperback still available for a discounted price.

But wait! There's more! (Hehehe) I will be giving away 10 signed paperbacks of Forgotten Storm!

I purchased these for a huge event here in Tucson that was canceled due to the Coronavirus so they are just sitting in a box waiting to be read.

See, every cloud has a silver lining.

Enter for your chance to win a FREE autographed copy of Forgotten Storm when you subscribe to my blog. All entries will be added to the virtual pot and 10 winners will be chosen on May 30th. So, if you would like a signed copy for yourself, or know someone who would love it as a gift, enter today. (Due to shipping costs, this giveaway is for U.S. residents only.)

Here's a recap for those who need bullet points and timelines in a linear fashion like me!

* Forgotten Storm -- Book 1-- The ebook is on sale right now at Amazon for only $2.99!

* Enter for a chance to win a FREE autographed paperback of Forgotten Storm when you subscribe to my blog!

* FORBIDDEN STORM -- Book 2 -- Pre-Order Pkgs w/cool swag available May 14th! (www.kyanitepublishing.com)

* FORBIDDEN STORM -- Available everywhere on August 17th, 2020.

Storm Series Book 2

Stay Safe. Stay Healthy.



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