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May Was Insane!

Writer's picture: A.R. VagnettiA.R. Vagnetti

Hello, my lovely Stormsters!

I want to take a moment to share the ups and downs of the past month with you. My hubby and I were scheduled to hit the road on May 16th for our summer home in Michigan with a quick stopover at Devils Lake, ND for some walleye fishing.

The night before we were set to leave, my husband wakes up at 3 am with severe abdominal pain. By 5 am I'm rushing him to the ER. Eight long exhausting and painful hours later (for my hubby) they discovered three new stowaways. Kidney Stones! Two in the kidneys and one in the ureter. That last little sucker was the one causing all the problems.

He was hospitalized, per the recommendation of his doctor, with IVs and meds to hopefully pass the wicked bugger. With no movement after four days, they went in with a scope, blasted it apart, and placed a stint from his kidney to his bladder. WHAT!?!?

As some of you may know, I was a veterinary technician for almost 20 years. I can perform shit on animals all day long. Hand me a human issue and my skin crawls with the heeby jeebies. So when the doc informed us, he wanted hubby to keep the stint in—WHILE WE TRAVELED—and once in Michigan he and I could pull it out. I was like WTF?

My husband, knowing me, just smirked and informed the doc it wasn't a problem. Well. Little does the man know, I ain't about to help him pull that sucker, he is sooooo on his own. (unless he has a problem, then I will, of course, suck it up and assist, but I won't like it and he will owe me. BIG TIME)

So, needless to say, Devil's Lake is out and we are heading straight for Michigan, with numerous pee pee breaks for the man with the... stint in his... you know where. Wish us luck!


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